[深圳山锐]供应小型聚酯盒式电容器 CL233X/MEM 222K/J 100V
地区:广东 深圳市
电 话:086 0755 83210121
传 真:86 0755 83208946

超小型金属化聚酯膜电塑壳容器  CL233X 222K/J 100V
Micro miniature Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor – Box  Type:CL233X


Are non-inductively wound with metalized polyester film as dielectric/electrode with copper-clad steel leads and encapsulated in a plastic case sealed with epoxy resin.


◆ 特性:
● 可靠性高
● 优异的阻燃性能
● 体积小,重量轻
● 无感式结构和具有自愈性
◆ Features:
● High reliability
● Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities.
●Little volume and weight.
●Non-inductive construction and self-healing property


◆ 主要用途:
● 旁路、隔直、耦合、退耦。
● 脉冲、逻辑、定时、振荡电路。
● 低电压场合抗干扰。
● 远程通讯、数据处理、工业仪表、自动控制系统的设备中广泛运用。
◆ Typical Applications:
● By-passing, blocking, coupling, decoupling.
● Pulse, logic, timing, oscillator, circuits.
● Interference suppression in low voltage application
(i.e. automotive)
● Remote communication, data processing, industrial instruments, automatic control system of the equipment is widely used.