1. General Description
This EPROM-Based 8-bit micro-controller uses a fully
static CMOS technology process to achieve higher
speed and smaller size with the low power
consump-tion and high noise immunity. On chip
memory incl-udes 1K words of ROM, and 68 bytes of
static RAM.
2. Features
The followings are some of the features on the
hardware and software :
u Fully CMOS static design
u 8-bit data bus
u On chip EPROM size : 1.0 K words
u Internal RAM size : 84 bytes
(68 general purpose registers, 16 special
u 37 single word instructions
u 14-bit instructions
u 8-level stacks
u Operating voltage : 2.5 V ~ 5.5 V (PRD Disable)
4.5 V ~ 5.5 V (PRD Enable)
u Operating frequency : DC ~ 20 MHz
u The most fast execution time is 200 ns under
20 MHz in all single cycle instructions except
the branch instruction
u Addressing modes include direct, indirect and
relative addressing modes
u Power-on Reset
u Power edge-detector Reset
u Power range-detector Reset
u Sleep Mode for power saving
u Four interrupt sources:
-External INT pin
-TMR0 timer
-A/D conversion completion
-PortB<7:4> interrupt on change
u A/D converter module:
-Four analog inputs multiplexed into one A/D
-8-bit resolution
u 4 types of oscillator can be selected by
programming option:
RC-Low cost RC oscillator
LFXT-Low frequency crystal oscillator
XTAL-Standard crystal oscillator
HFXT-High frequency crystal oscillator
u 8-bit real time clock/counter(RTCC) with 8-bit
programmable prescaler
u On-chip RC oscillator based Watchdog
u 13 I/O pins with their own independent
direction control
3. Applications
The application areas of this MDT2051 range from
appliance motor control and high speed automotive
to low power remote transmitters/receivers, pointing
devices, and telecommunications processors, such
as Remote controller, small instruments, chargers,
toy, automobile and PC peripheral … etc.