升压DC-DC MP3120现货供应,原装
地区:广东 深圳市
电 话:86 0755 61352658
手 机:13825226509
传 真:86 0755 83013474










The MP3120 is a high efficiency synchronous, current mode step-up converter. The device can boost a single cell or two cells AA battery up to 5V. The MP3120 can start up from an input voltage as low as 0.8V and provide in-rush current limiting as well as output short circuit protection. The integrated P-Channel synchronous rectified switch provides improved efficiency and eliminates the need of an external schottky diode. The P-MOS will disconnect the output from the input when EN is low. This output disconnect feature allows the output to be completely discharged, thus allowing the part to draw less than 1uA off current in shutdown mode. The 1.1MHz switching frequency allows for smaller external components; the internal compensation and soft start minimize the external component count, all helps to produce a compact solution for a wide range of load current. The MP3120 features an integrated power MOSFET that supports up to 5V output and a typical 1.2A switch current. The device also can maintain the output voltage regulated even when the input voltage is above the output voltage.