2N5064G 0N/安森美 闸流晶体管 - 分立元件 RS#
电 话:86 021 53599888
传 真:86 021 64277692
A Thyristor is a solid-state semiconductor device with four layers of alternating N and P-type material. They act as bistable switches, conducting when their gate receives a current trigger, and continue to conduct while they are forward biased. Thyristors are synonymous to Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR).
产品宽度 | 4.19mm |
产品长度 | 5.2mm |
产品高度 | 5.33mm |
供应商封装 | TO-92 |
安装 | 通孔 |
峰值接通状态电压 | 1.7V |
引脚数目 | 3 |
保持电流 | 5mA |
工作温度 | 110°C |
门反向峰值电压 | 5V |
门触发电压 | 0.8V |
门触发电流 | 0.2mA |
小工作温度 | -40°C |
浪涌额定电流 | 10A |
类型 | SCR |
重复峰值断开状态电流 | 0.01mA |
重复峰值正向阻断电压 | 200V |
重复峰值逆向电压 | 200V |
额定平均接通状况电流 | 0.51A |
数量 | 单价 |
1 | 3.74 |
5 | 1.11 |