地区:上海 闵行区
电 话:86-021-64905076-804
手 机:13761696078
传 真:86-021-64906191-806
该表是集成激光光源与光功率计量程模块的多功能测量仪表,内置双波长单输出口激光光源。REfly206可以同时提供光源和光功率计的功能,也可以独立使用,从而为广大工程测试人员以及技术人员提供了另外一种使用更为方便,成本更低的选择。The Handled Optical Multi Meter integrates both optical power meter module and optical light source which can implement loop-around test by using both modules,and also can work individually by funcation switch operation in the menu.It\\\'s specifically designed for technical support personnel to take tests on a variety of instruments with a single meter.So that to satisfy the users with another choice of more convenient and more advantage.