地区:广东 东莞市
电 话:86 0769 83086458
手 机:13650200608
传 真:86 0769 83086035

 *High contact pressure
*Secure lock mechanism
*Mountable on panels of various thickness without using tools.
*The contacts are individually surrounded by housing walls.

Product Profile
SeriesSM connector
CategoryWire to Wire Connectors
TypeCrimp style, With locking device 
Pitch2.5 mm
Current ratingMAX 3A
Voltage ratingMAX 250V

Compliant with RoHS.
(LF)(SN) as identification part number shall be displayed on a label.
When ordering RoHS compliant products, please inquire to the nearest
JST Sales Office, or order them with the described part number adding
(LF)(SN) as the identification marking after it.

Further Information3D Data
 Model numberIGESSTEPAcrobat3D