地区:浙江 乐清市
电 话:86 0577 62336338
传 真:86 0577 62377895




焊接温度(Lead Sodering Temperature):260℃  for 3 seconds




Luminouscolors: red,green,blue

Color:black,white and white

Welding temperature(LeadSoderingTemperature):260 ℃ for3 seconds

* whenworkingtemperature is higher than 25 ℃,Ifm,Ifpand Idmust be reduced;current reductionrate is -0.36mA/(DC),or -0.86mA/

(pulsedriverreduces power consumptionrate is -0.75mW/).Product workingcurrentis not greater thanthe correspondingtemperatureIfmor Ifp60%.

Adopt importedcomponents and high-quality LED light-emitting devices,the use of advanced equipmentASM,computer technology and production process,ensure the reliability of the product;products have complete quality testing means,from design to production delivery of thewhole process of the establishment ofstrict qualitycontrolsystem and perfect technical serviceguarantee,and strive toto provide customers the best quality serviceandsatisfactory products.All of the company sLEDproducts through internationalelectronicpollution-freecertification RoHS.