供应MAG LAYERS滤波器LTB-2520-2G4H6-B2-SE 可售样 原装现货
地区:广东 深圳市
电 话:86 0755 83697541

■ Feature 特点 特点特点 特点
Compact Size 体积小 体积小 体积小 体积小
Miniaturized SMD packaged in low profile and lightweight.
Low Loss      低插 低插低插 低插入 入入 入损耗 损耗损耗 损耗
Low insertion loss, high attenuation.
High Soldering Heat Resistance 耐高温表面焊接 耐高温表面焊接 耐高温表面焊接 耐高温表面焊接     
High quality termination allows both flow and re-flow soldering methods to be applied.
High Performance 特性优良 特性优良 特性优良 特性优良     
Eliminate noise over a wide frequency range. Idea for high frequency and space limited
Available in tape and reel packaging for automatic mounting 卷轴包装适用於 卷轴包装适用於 卷轴包装适用於 卷轴包装适用於表面贴片技术