地区:广东省 广州市
电 话:020-39961970
手 机:15918857988
传 真:28677983

- tri-integral A/D conversion technology
- Applied in weighing system equipped with 1-4 load cells

- A/D readability 1/30000
- Auto adjust speed and digital filter
- With power save mode
- Low battery protection
- Accumulation auto/manual
- optional function:
1. display 10 times enlargement
2. auto display locked 
                                               3. KG/LB switch function



Input signal range0mV~10mV
Input sensitivity 1V/e
Load cell ExcitationDc 5V
Max. load cell connection4 at 350 ohm
Display6 bits LED, 6 status indications
Optional interface

RS232C serial communication

Transmission distanceRS232C30 meters