电 话:86 021 51601969
传 真:86 021 60833464




Burner controls type LGK16... feature a self-checking flame supervision circuit. That supervision circuit initiates the required safety actions not only in the case of premature or missing flame signals, but also in the event of any kind of fault on the flame detector, the detector cables or the flame signal amplifier that could simulate a flame signal during burner operation.

The burner controls are therefore suited for use in all types of oil- or gas-fired combustion plants where self-checking flame supervision systems are either mandatory or recommendable:

  • Burners that operate continuously

  • Burners in intermittent operation that, in the case of great heat demand, may operate continuously for more than 14 hours, e.g. in plants using boiler sequencing

  • Burners that need to comply with the German TRD 411 and TRD 412 regulations for steam boilers

  • Burners in plants where, for specific safety requirements, supervision of the burner by a self-checking flame supervision system seems advisable

  LGK16.122A27 LGK16.133A27 LGK16.322A27 LGK16.333A27 LGK16.335A27 LGK16.622A27 LGK16.635A27 注释
t1 10 9 36 31.5 37.5 66 37.5 预吹扫时间(风门全开时)
TSA 2 3 2 3 2.5 2 2.5 安全时间
TSA’ - - - - 2.5 2 2.5 安全时间
t3 4 3 4 6 5 4 5 预点火时间
t3’ - - - - 2.5 - 2.5 长预点火时间
t3n - - - - - - - 后点火时间(点火变压器连接端口15
t4 6 6 10 12 12.5 10 12.5 TSA开始到端口19的阀打开的间隔时间
t4’ - - - - 15 - 15 TSA开始到端口19的阀打开的间隔时间
t5 4 3 10 12 12.5 10 12.5 t4结束到比例调节或端口20的阀门打开的间隔时间
t6 10 14.5 12 18 15 12 15 后吹扫时间
t7 2 3 2 3 2.5 2 2.5 打开风机马达2的延迟时间
t8 30 29 66 72 75 96 105 没有t11t12时,整个启动阶段时间
t9 2 3 2 3 5 2 5 第二安全时间
t10 6 6 8 12 10 8 10 从启动到空气压力监测开始工作的间隔时间
t11 Optional 风门打开到位置的时间
t12 Optional 风门至小火位置的时间
t16 4 3 4 6 5 4 5 从启动到风门打开命令的间隔时间
t20 32 60 - 27 22.5 - - 锁定后程序内部循环时间
类似型号 LFL1.122 LFL1.133 LFL1.322 LFL1.333 LFL1.335 LFL1.622 LFL1.635  
主电压 AC220V -15%...AC240V +10%
AC100V -15%...AC110V +10%
主频率 50...60Hz ±6%
外部保险丝 16A
功率 3.5VA
重量 1000g(底座165g
保护等级 IP40
运输环境 IEC 60 721-3-2
内部条件 class 2K2
温度范围 -50...+60ºC
机械条件 class 2M2
湿度 <95%
运行环境 IEC 60 721-3-3
内部条件 class 3K5
机械条件 class 3M2
温度范围 -20...+60ºC
湿度 <95%