RS FSP3 频谱分析仪
地区:广东省 东莞市
传 真:86-769-23362124
FSP3:9 KHz/20 Hz to 3 GHz
FSP7:9 KHz/20 Hz to 7 GHz
FSP13:9 KHz/20 Hz to 13 GHz
FSP30:9 KHz/20 Hz to 30 GHz
FSP40:9 KHz/20 Hz to 40 GHz
Resolution bandwidth 1 Hz to 10 MHz
Displayed average noise level-155 dBm(1 Hz)
Phase noise-113 dB(1 Hz)at 10 KHz
Resolution bandwidth as low as 1 Hz(10 Hz standard)to 10 MHz
Automatic measurements for TOI,ACP(R),OBW,CCDF,APD,and more
Fast ACP in time domain
Up to 80 measurements per second(including trace transfer via GPIB)
Electronic attenuator 公司名称:东莞中赛电子仪器仪表有限公司