地区:广东省 广州市
传 真:0755-83549396
Ordering Info订货信息Standard LineCat. No. DescriptionC02-16 Capp multi pipettes, 16-channel, 0.2-2 ulC10-16 Capp multi pipettes, 16-channel, 0.5-10 ulC50-16 Capp multi pipettes, 16-channel, 5-50 ulC10-48 Capp multi, 48-channel, 0.5-10 ulC10-64 Capp multi pipettes, 64-channel, 0.5-10 ulSoft LineCat. No. DescriptionC02-16-SL Capp multi pipettes, 16-channel, 0.2-2 ulC10-16-SL Capp multi pipettes, 16-channel, 0.5-10 ulC50-16-SL Capp multi pipettes, 16-channel, 5-50 ulExpellPlus? low retention tipsCat. No. DescriptionC ExpellPlus 0.2-10ul, racked, sterileC ExpellPlus 0.2-10ul, racked, sterile, filteredC ExpellPlus 0.2-50ul, long, racked, sterileC ExpellPlus 0.2-50ul, long, racked, sterile, filteredStarter KitsCat. No. DescriptionSK-16-XX One 16-channel pipette free of choice, stand, 3 racks of tips and timerSK-64-XX One 64-channel pipette free of choice, stand, 3 racks of tips and timer