Leaper-1A-掌上型数位IC测试器-IC Tester
地区:中国台湾 新北市
电 话:886-2999-1860
传 真:886-2999-9873
LEAPER-1A is a protable IC Tester that is especially designed for digital ICs. It has 24-PIN ZIF socket to suit different digital ICs. No PC is required to operate LEAPER- 1A, it works complete in stand-alone mode
through power adaptor or batteries.

● Easy-operating, particularly designed for the digital ICs.
● Support low voltage device test
Voltage range: 2.5V/3.0V/3.3V/5V
Device type:
54/74 xx TTL series
40/45/14xxx CMOS series
20xx/28xx Driver IC series

●LEAPER-1A also supports other digital ICs which have same logic function as supported digital ICs.