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  射流喷嘴测试仪 IEC60529喷嘴测试仪瑞典原装进口6990喷嘴测试仪
  Jet Nozzle Test Model 6990
  The Jet Nozzle Tester is designed according to IEC 60529 Fig.6.The tester has two sizes of nozzles diameter 6,3 and 12,5 mm.The test is executed so the water beam from the nozzle hit the sample
  Technical specifications
  1.IPX5+6 IEC 60529
  2 Water jet house nozzle
  3.Fig.6 of IEC 60529
  4.Two nozzles channels diameter 6,3 mm&12,5 mm
  5.Digital flow meter flows 12,5&100 litres/min
  6.Isolated handle with variable valve with bayonet connection and powerful valve for regulation of the water flow
  7.Flexible tube diameter 1 inch-5 meter
  8.Quick connection for flexible tube
  9.We can also make other nozzles acc to other standards 


名称  标准
 射流喷嘴测试仪  IEC60529Fig6