地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:86-755-29050100
手 机:18824620661
传 真:86-755-29239956
86100的家庭宽带示波器测量提供了单一的连接不需要外部触发。随着安捷伦83491 / 92 / 93 /、时钟恢复模块系列另外,可靠的参数测试变得容易,即使你没有进入一个时钟信号。

The Agilent 8349X series of plug-in receiver modules cover the three most popular transmission media in use today - electrical lines, multimode fiber and single-mode fiber. A built-in coupler/splitter reduces external hardware required for triggering. No more need for awkward cables just to get a trigger - simply plug in your test signal, select your data rate, and make your measurements
