AXE M726 6位数累计计数器
地区:江苏省 苏州市
传 真:86-512-62802286
输入频率 10KHz(Accepts input rates up to 10KHz)
●显示范围 0至9999(一段设定)0至999999累积量
(Readout range from 0 to 9999(one-alarm),0 to 999999(totalizer)
●计数速度 50/10000脉波/秒可选择(Accept input rates 50 or 10000 CPS can be modified)
●输入脉波具有预设刻度功能(Input scaling multiplied 0.001 to 9.999 can be modified)
(Totalizer counting modes can be modified(synchronize and un-synchronize)
●数位化指拨设定操作简易(Simulation pushwheel digit switches,easy to operate)
●计数暂时停止功能(Count inhibit function(GATE control))
●1组警报功能(One alarm function for totalizer)(optional)