The UV Ozone cleaning method is a photo-sensitized damage free oxidation process in which substrate surface contaminant molecules of photoresists, resins, cleaning solvent residues, silicone oils, etc. are excited and/or dissociated by the absorption of short wavelength UV radiation. Atomic oxygen is simultaneously generated when molecular oxygen is dissociated by 184.9nm and ozone by 253.7nm. The 253.7nm radiation is absorbed by most hydrocarbons and also by ozone. The products of this excitation of contaminant molecules react with atomic oxygen to form simpler volatile molecules which desorb from the substrate surface. When both wavelengths are present, atomic oxygen is continuously generated and ozone is continually formed and destroyed
UV ozone cleaner 紫外臭氧清洗机是一款美国UVOCS公司生产的超洁净表面清洗仪,可以去除有机硅油和油脂,助焊剂,残留的光刻胶及其他多种有机溶剂残留物等。在材料使用电解、电离或是超声清洗等工序后,UVOCS可以继续清洁材料表面的有机残留物。在传统清洗工序后加入紫外臭氧清洗,产品表面的清洁度和可靠性可以达到更高水平。紫外臭氧清洗工作原理:UVOCS使用低压石英汞灯产生185-254nm范围的紫外线。并在箱体内产生臭氧和等离子氧气,材料残余的有机污染物分子在吸收254nm波长的紫外臭氧后被激发或分解。激发的有机污染物可以和等离子氧反应形成气体,比如CO2,H2O等。整个过程操作简单,整个过程用时在10分钟以内并没有环境要求。
UVOCS 紫外臭氧清洗机的规格有10×10 英寸(25.4×25.4cm)和16×16英寸(40.6×40.6cm)两种尺寸可选择。