双通道动态信号分析仪 HP 35665A 所配选件 内置3.5寸软驱,支持HP BASIC语言
1D2 Swept sine measurements. 1C2 HP Instrument BASIC. ANA Add 6 Mbytes memory.
频率范围: 通道一 102.4kHz 通道二 51.2kHz
分辨力: 单通道模式 244μHz 双通道模式 122μHz
SPAN: 单通道模式 102.4 kHz - 0.19531 Hz 双通道模式 51.2 kHz - 0.097656 Hz 幅值:±0.25dB 动态范围:72 dB 通道间协调:±0.04dB,0.5deg 时实带宽:12.8kHz快速平均 测量结果:时间记录、线性谱、功率谱、功率密度、频率相应、相关、自动/互相关、正态分布、PDF,CDF。 显示类型:单图、双图、两条曲线同图显示、状态及水流图显示。 更新速度:8条曲线/秒 多种测试方法:
时域、频域及幅值域测量 振动及噪声分析 控制系统测试及分析 The Agilent 35665A is a 2-channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer providing measurement solutions in vibration, acoustics, and control systems. Its major options are computed order tracking, real-time octave, swept sine, curve fit and synthesis, arbitrary source, and Instrument BASIC.
1-channel at 102.4 kHz, 2 channels at 51.2 kHz. 100, 200, 400, 800 lines of resolution. Tachometer input. Built in 3.5" floppy disk. Source: Random, burst random, pink noise, sine, swept-sine, arbitrary, periodic chirp, burst chirp. 3.2 M Sample time-capture buffer (optional). Measurements: linear spectrum, cross-spectrum, power spectral density, frequency response, time waveform, auto-correlation, cross-correlation, histogram, PDF, CDF. Optional real-time octave, computed order tracking, swept-sine, curve fit, synthesis, and arbitrary source. |