苏州启道 中国区优势代理Herotek检波器
电 话:86 512 66509508
传 真:86 512 67564409



Herotek.Inc,位于美国加州。主要生产军用RF和微波元器件,频率覆盖10MHz -- 50GHz。产品有: 微波放大器,LNA,(可完全代替MITEQ的产品),检波器,限幅器,PIN开关,梳状线谐波发生器,谐波混频器,及铁氧体环形器和隔离器。特别是其谐波发生器得到雷达用户的广泛使用。产品可提供军用及883级筛选。


苏州启道电子科技有限公司中国区优势代理销售Herotek检波器/放大器/功分器/混频器/衰减器/偏置器/移相器/隔直器/隔离器/分频器等全系列微波器件,常备大量现货。启道公司具有雄厚的技术实力,从产品选型到售后服务为您提供全方位的技术支持服务。公司总部RICHI GROUP设在香港,并在美国设有销售联络办公室,直接从原厂进口,同时我司常备大量现货以随时满足客户不时之需。依托独特的渠道优势,苏州启道拥有全国具竞争力的价格优势,欢迎广大客户来电咨询。


Herotek, Inc.has been a quality supplier of RF and Microwave components since 1982. Herotek is a broad-based, high technology company supplying parts for the Military, Industrial and Commercial markets with designs from 100 KHz to 50 GHz. It offers standard products as well as thousands of custom designs, and is happy to match existing products.

Herotekoffers Detectors, Comb Generators, Limiters, Switches, GaAsFet Amplifiers (Broadband, Low Noise, and Power) and integrated subsystems of many types, including up and down converters, multipliers, harmonic mixers, and transceivers.



DETECTOR PRODUCTTunnel Diode Detectors Zero Bias Schottky Diode Detectors Biased Schottky Detectors High Sensitivity Zero Bias Schottky Detectors Tunnel (Back) Diode Detector Drop-In Type Limiter-Protected Tunnel Diode Detectors Limiter-Protected Schottky Detectors Microwave Pulse/CW Power Monitor


AMPLIFIER PRODUCTMiniature Multi-Octave Low Noise Wide Band RF Amplifiers Miniature Ultra Wide Band RF Amplifiers High Frequency and Millimeter Wave Amplifiers Power Amplifiers