高清摄像机IOI每秒130帧Flare 12M125-CL
地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:0755-23062769
手 机:18927432670

Flare 12M125-CL 

- 4096 x 3072v, 5.5um pixel size (CMOSIS CMV12000)

- Pipelined Global Shutter with Correlated Double Sampling

- Camera Link: Base, Medium, Full, and Dual Full

- Auto exposure, auto white balance, and programmable LUTs

- 8-bit and 10-bit output formats

- Up to 124.27 fps at 4096 x 3072 x 8-bit

- Up to 99.88 fps at 4096 x 3072 x 10-bit

- Color, and Monochrome models available