电 话:86 0512 68632872
手 机:13506133296
传 真:86 0512 67685889

订货号:KEN-331-3010K     规格:0-25mm/0-1"     重量:0.27Kg



Features one touch preset, lightweight design, LCD
display, inch/metric conversion at the touch of a
button, origin setting and error alarm, ratchet thimble type
adjustment and carbide tipped measuring faces. IP65 coolant proof.
Supplied in fitted bench case.

Measuring force: 5 - 10N.
Resolution (分辨率) :    0.001mm/0.00005”.
Accuracy () :    ±0.001mm”/0.00005”. 


Extra batteries are available,
Order Code EDI-904-4000K. (电池订货号)


Range 量程               Weight     Order Code     Price/1
                                each         KEN-331         RMB
0 - 25mm/0 - 1”      270g        -3010K            4179.30