地区:广东省 广州市
电 话:86 020 83197933
传 真:86 020 81864671


It is usually connected with display meter,recording meter and computer,etc.to directly measure temperature of liquid,vapor,gas and solid surface ranging from-200~500during various production process.


特点  Features

1、热响应时间少,减少动态误差;     2、直径小,长度不受限制;

3、测量度高;                    4、进口薄膜电阻元件,性能可靠稳定。

1.With quick response,reducing dynamic error;

2.Small diameter,no limit on length;

3.High measuring accuracy;

4.Imported film resistor with high reliability and stability.


工作原理Operation Theory


It is based on that temperature change of material results in change of its resistance.When resistance value changes,the working instrument will display relevant temperature.