代理,凯茂Kimo,精密型照度仪,LX 100
地区:山东省 青岛市
电 话:0532-88066552
手 机:15712749662
传 真:0532-66993839
LX 100

量程 : 0...150000 Lux 或 0...13940 fc
不同量程自动切换 , 可测量相对照度值

Measuring range : from 0,1 to 150 000 lux (from 0,01 to 13940 fc).

Supplied with calibration certificate.

Technical data

  • Display illuminance for local measurements
  • With timed measurement : min., max. and average values
  • Pause function to eliminate any unrepresentative illuminance and display for local measurements
  • Relative measurement to a reference point for the quantification of a luminous contribution or an illuminance decrease.
  • Sensing element in silicon photodiode