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光源 - 重量 17000(g)
适用范围 氮、铁合金、铜合金、铝合金、铜铁合金、铅锡合金等金属    
This our new Optical Emission Spectrometer  delivers high accuracy in analytical results, assures precise identification of materials and covers even critical elements like Pb, Se and La with low levels of detection.The FOUNDRY-MASTER Xpert is the ideal cost-effective analyse for all metal processing industries. There is virtually no restriction on the element selection.The highest levels of accuracy and precision of the analytical results and a powerful yet easy-to-use software package mean that almost every application is covered. As a result, the cost of ownership turns out to be the lowest available in the market.Solid, robust tehnolgy and compact design allow continuous use in any location, in the lab or on-site, even in rigged conditions.For more product features, please download the FOUNDRY-MASTER Xpert brochure. Click the link on the right.    ·                                NEWFOUNDRY-MASTER Xpert: The benchtop analyser which performs at the highest level with an unbeatble and outstanding price-performance ratio·                                ·                                FOUNDRY-MASTER COMPACT: Small in size, large on capability, a cost effective solution specifically for non-ferrous industriesFOUNDRY-MASTER UV: A well established, tested and mature spectrometer combining speed, complete wavelength coverage and robust, for foundries and secondary smelters for all metals and alloys    宁波东方机械设备进出口有限公司(原宁波市机械局)是一家股份制企业,公司成立于1994年,注册资金798万元人民币。坐落于宁波市孝闻街107号(距宁波市政府仅500米距离)。公司经营各种机械加工设备和实验室分析仪器。2007年进出口总额达三千万美元,连年被宁波市资信评估委员会评为“AAA”级资信企业。   公司目前主要经营的品牌有:牛津仪器直读光谱仪;德国温泽三坐标测量仪;韩国现代起亚的数控车床和加工中心;德国巨浪精密加工中心等仪器设备。,我们的经营宗旨是“以人为本、以质量求生存、以服务求发展”。   公司目前拥有一支能力强,工作扎实肯干的售前、售后服务队伍,竭诚为客户提供优质的产品、优质的服务。祝新老客户生意兴隆,财源广进。详细信息