供应TM57PA10 十速科技 tenx technology
地区:广东省 深圳市
1. ROM: 1K x 14 bits OTP or 512 x 14 bits TTP? (Two Time Programmable
2. RAM: 64 x 8 bits
3. STACK: 5 Levels
4. I/O ports: Two Bit programmable I/O ports (Max. 14 pins)
5. Timer0/Counter: 8-bit timer/counter with divided by 1~256 pre-scale
6. Timer1: 8-bit auto-reloadable timer with divided by 1~256 pre-scale option
7. Two 8+2 bit PWM channels capable of 1024 duty resolution
8. 12-bit ADC with 6 channel input
9. Watchdog/Wakeup Timer: On chip Timer based on internal RC oscillator,
10~130mS wakeup time
10. Reset: Power On Reset, Watchdog Reset, Low Voltage Reset, External pin
11. System Clock Mode:
? Slow Crystal: 32KHz
? Fast Crystal: 455KHz ~24MHz
? Internal RC: 4MHz
? External RC
12. Operation Voltage: Low Voltage Reset Level to 5.5V
13. Instruction set: 36 Instructions
14. Interrupts: Three pin interrupts, Timer0/Timer1 interrupt and Wakeup
Timer interrupt
15. Power Down mode support
16. Package Types: 16 DIP/SOP/SSOP