电 话:86-010-60255484
手 机:18600134126
传 真:86-010-60255484

Mechanical Tachometers机械式转速表
RTH88 3 3/8” 0-2500 rpm yes chrome all white 1:1
RTH89 3 3/8” 0-2500 rpm yes chrome all white 1:1 ccw
RTH91 3 3/8” 0-2500 rpm yes chrome all white .5:1
R8597 3 3/8” 0-3500 rpm no black white tip .5:1
R/8” 0-3500 rpm no chrome white tip .5:1
R8598 3 3/8” 0-3500 rpm yes chrome white tip .5:1
R/8” 0-3500 rpm no chrome white tip 1:1
R/8” 0-3500 rpm yes chrome white tip 1:1
R8599 3 3/8” 0-3500 rpm yes black white tip .5:1
R/8” 0-3500 rpm no black white tip 1:1
R/8” 0-3500 rpm yes black white tip 1:1
R/8” 0-3500 rpm no black red-orange tip .5:1
R/8” 0-3500 rpm yes black red-orange tip .5:1
R8550 5” 0-3000 rpm no black white tip .5:1
R85505 5” 0-3000 rpm yes black white tip .5:1

Interconnect Harnesses
R7032 Peterbilt part numbers: 17-03551-001 for R8450, 17-03551-002 for R8480,
17-03552-001 for R8530, 17-03552-002 for R85305.
Kenworth part numbers: 3k tachometer with or without hourmeter for R8530.
R7034 Peterbilt part numbers: 17-03190 for R8480, 17-03183 for R8530.
R7036 Navistar part numbers:C91 for R8416 or R8418,C91 for ISSPRO, INC. unit R85600.
R7038 Kenworth K152-473-1 for ISSPRO, INC. unit R8540.
R7040 Kenworth K152-471-1 for ISSPRO, INC. unit R8412.

Programmable Tachometers可编程式转速表
R8529 3 3/8” 0-2000 rpm no black white tip
R8529M 3 3/8” 0-2000 rpm no black white tip
R/8” 0-2000 rpm yes black white tip
R85295M 3 3/8” 0-2000 rpm yes black white tip
R8530 3 3/8” 0-3000 rpm no black white tip
R8530C 3 3/8” 0-3000 rpm no chrome white tip
R8530M 3 3/8” 0-3000 rpm no black white tip
R8530MC 3 3/8” 0-3000 rpm no chrome white tip
R/8” 0-3000 rpm yes black white tip
R85305C 3 3/8” 0-3000 rpm yes chrome white tip
R85305M 3 3/8” 0-3000 rpm yes black white tip
R85305M-SET 3 3/8” 0-3000 rpm yes, resettable black white tip
R85305MC 3 3/8” 0-3000 rpm yes chrome white tip
R8531 3 3/8” E/M, 0-3000 rpm no black red-orange tip
R8531M 3 3/8” E/M, 0-3000 rpm no black red-orange tip
R/8” E/M, 0-3000 rpm yes black red-orange tip
R85315M 3 3/8” E/M, 0-3000 rpm yes black red-orange-tip
R8585 3 3/8” 0-4000 rpm no black white tip
R8585C 3 3/8” 0-4000 rpm no chrome white tip
R8585M 3 3/8” 0-4000 rpm no black white tip
R/8” 0-4000 rpm yes black white tip
R85855C 3 3/8” 0-4000 rpm yes chrome white tip
R85855M 3 3/8” 0-4000 rpm yes black white tip
R8586 3 3/8” 0-5000 rpm no black white tip
R8586M 3 3/8” 0-5000 rpm no black white tip
R/8” 0-5000 rpm yes black white tip
R85865M 3 3/8” 0-5000 rpm yes black white tip
R8584 3 3/8” 0-6000 rpm no black white tip
R8584M 3 3/8” 0-6000 rpm no black white tip
R/8” 0-6000 rpm yes black white tip
R85845M 3 3/8” 0-6000 rpm yes black white tip
R8588 3 3/8” 0-8000 rpm no black white tip
R8588M 3 3/8” 0-8000 rpm no black white tip
R/8” 0-3500 rpm no black red-orange tip
R8540 5” 0-3000 rpm no black white tip
R8540R 5” 0-3000 rpm no black red-orange tip

2 1/16” Electronic Tachometers电子式转速表
These tachometers are used in small engine applications such as the 6.2/6.5 liter GM Diesel, 6.9/7.3 Ford Diesel
and Dodge/Cummins.
Select a tachometer and sensor kit for your application: Replacement parts for sensor kit at left.
Not needed for new installations.
Universal 3k 3K R8501 R8906 R8911 R8906-SO
Dodge/ Cummins, pre 92 3K R8501 R8912 R8911 R8912-SO
Dodge/ Cummins, 92 & later 3K R8501 R8912-92 N/A N/A
GM 6.2/6.5 liter 4K R8503 R8900 R8911 R8900-SO
Ford 6.9/7.3 liter 4K R8503 R8901 R8911 R8901-SO
Universal 4k 4K R8503 R8906 R8911 R8906-SO
Universal 5k 5K R8504 R8906 R8911 R8906-SO
Volkswagen 5K R8504 R8906 R8911 R8906-SO
Universal 6k 6K R8591 R8906 R8911 R8906-SO

3 3/8” Alternator Tachometers(交流发电机式)转速表
R85200 0-2000 rpm no white tip
R85205 0-2000 rpm yes white tip
R85210 0-3000 rpm no white tip
R85215 0-3000 rpm yes white tip
R85220 0-4000 rpm no white tip
R85220R 0-4000 rpm no red-orange tip
R85225 0-4000 rpm yes white tip
R85230 0-6000 rpm no white tip
R85235 0-6000 rpm yes white tip
R85240 0-8000 rpm no white tip
R85245 0-8000 rpm yes white tip

Ignition Tachometers(点火线圈式)转速表
R8508 2 1/16” 0-4000 rpm no
R8509 2 1/16” 0-5000 rpm no
R8510 2 1/16” 0-6000 rpm no
R/8” 0-4000 rpm no
R/8” 0-4000 rpm yes
R/8” 0-5000 rpm no
R/8” 0-5000 rpm yes
R/8” 0-6000 rpm no
R/8” 0-6000 rpm yes
R/8” 0-8000 rpm no
R/8” 0-8000 rpm yes