传 真:022-24651478
产品介绍 压力排放吸入阀(GYXB型)、压力排放阀(GTXC型) GYXB Type Pressure discharge suction valve, GTXC Type A Pressu relief valve 产品慨述 Product outlined the GYXB型压力排放吸入阀、GYXC型压力排放阀分别安装在石油、化工等物料储罐顶上的安全应急通风装置。通常与呼吸阀配套使用,是为了避免因意外原因造成罐内急剧超压或真空时,起到压力泄放或气体吸入的作用。 GYXB type suction valve,pressure emissions GYXC type pressure discharge valve installed in respectively oil and chemical material material storage tanks at the top of the safety emergency ventilation device.Usually the respiration valve and supporting the use of in order to avoid accident reason is caused by a sharp overpressure or tank vacuum,a pressure bleeder or gas in haled role. The product is the all-weather sealing structure,to adjust the counterweight to in haled disc and discharge gland open/close,with the constant pressure emissions the constant pressure inhaled,open and flexible,safety and reliability. ◎技术性能 technical characteristic 1、操作压力:正压:+1961Pa(+200mmH2O),负压:-392Pa(-40 mmH2O) 或正、负压都可由客户指定。 产品属性工作原理:在阻火呼吸阀正常工作情况下,紧急泄压人孔基本保持密封状态,储罐处于正常压力。当呼吸阀正常工作满足不了因意外原因造成储罐急剧超压时,泄压人孔的泄压盖自动顶开,进行紧急泄压,使罐内压力保持正常;当罐内压力急剧减压或超真空时,吸入阀便开启急剧吸入大气,维护罐内正常压力 .订货参数及范围:其他说明 防爆级别:BS5501:IIA、IIB、IIC。 制造、检测标准:按GB5908-86标准执行。 法兰标准:HG20592~97PN1.0如客户需用GB、SH、HGJ、JB、ANSI、JIS等标准或改变压力等级时,请在订货合同中注明。交易说明当呼吸阀正常工作满足不了因意外原因造成储罐急剧超压时,泄压人孔的泄压盖自动顶开,进行紧急泄压,使罐内压力保持正常;当罐内压力急剧减压或超真空时,吸入阀便开启急剧吸入大气,维护罐内正常压力 .