MINI USB 5P母座AB Type短体SMT式厂家,MINI USB 5P母座AB Type短
地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:0755-27099374
手 机:13510165766
传 真:0755-22222222


1) 具备A Type/B Type/Mini Type 等多种类型接口设计。A Type/B Type/Mini

Type ect.kinds of connector design.

2) 端子接触部位采用弹性设计,保证良好接触并延长插拔寿命。Flexibility

design for terminal interface to ensure nice contact and prolong the

operating force.

3) 端子接触部位镀金,增加数据传输速度。The place that the terminal

contacting is gold-plated,it is to fast the data transmiting speed.l

4) 端子焊接部分镀锡,保证良好的沾锡性焊接牢固。The place that terminal

soldering is stannum-plated,it is to make the soldering better.