地区:广东省 深圳市
传 真:0755-23702756-804
特点 Characteristics:
◆ 测量参数及范围:开启电压:0.1~ 9.9V;内阻:0.1~ 9.9Ω;跨导:0.30~5.00S;耐压:50~650V
Test parameters and ranges: threshold voltage UGS(th): 0.1~9.9V; internal resistance RDS: 0.1~ 9.9Ω;
transconductance gm: 0.30~5.00S; withstand voltage U(BR)DS: 50~650V
◆ 合格判据自由设置,掉电自动保存,超限自动声光报警
Freely setting limit of qualification judgement, automatically saving in case of any power cut, and
alarming when measured value exceeds limit