地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:0755-61358292
手 机:13590112223

BZV55-C27  稳压二极管

低功耗稳压二极管在小密封玻璃SOD80C表面安装设备(SMD)包。二极管在归E24±2%是可用的(BZV55 - B)和5%(约±bzv55-c)公差范围。该系列包括37种类型额定工作电压从2.4 V至75 V

        Low-power voltage regulator diodes in small hermetically sealed glass SOD80C Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) packages. The diodes are available in the normalized E24 ±2 % (BZV55-B) and approximately ±5 % (BZV55-C) tolerance range. The series consists of 37 types with nominal working voltages from 2.4 V to 75 V.


·非重复性峰值的反向功耗:≤40 W



·宽工作电压范围:nominal 2.4 V to 75 V (E24 range)





· 一般调节功能