地区:海南省 定安县
全自动控制,多种规格可更换反应器,从25mL-1L;自动氨基酸添加,多高达12个氨基酸;在线流量计,溶剂添加可直接输入和显示,流量到毫升;适合Fmoc, t-Boc策略;可在线裂解;封闭设计无异味。 Automatic control, a variety of specifications can replace the reactor, from 25mL-1L;Automatic amino acid added up to up to 12 amino acids;On-line flow meter, add solvent directly input and display, flow rate accurate to ml;Utilize tBoc, Fmoc or any other peptide chemsitry;Automatic cleavage for Fmoc- chemistry;Fully enclosed hood to contain fumes and unwanted odors.