ZL2235 视频处理IC 供应视频IC
地区:广东省 深圳市
传 真:0755-82519420
产品介绍GENERAL DESCRIPTTON The ZL2235 is 3-input video switch for video and audio signal.It has clamp function and so is applied to fixen DC level of video signal.Its operating supply voltage range is 5 to 12V and bandwidth is 10MHz.Crosstalk is 70dB(at4.43MHz)产品属性产品属性:产品属性、产品规格,和其他信息,请参阅ZL1507规范; (The product attributes, product specifications, and other information, please see ZL1507 specifications;)其他说明其他说明:其他的描述,请参阅产品规格;(Other description please see the product specification)交易说明交易说明:请直接联系咨询,谢谢;Please directly contact us, thank you