传 真:023-68538838
通常情况下A型重庆防水套管适用于钢管,套管耐污及潮湿,无需特别维护,只需定期地清楚表面污物。安装时,母排从中穿过。B,C型适用于球墨铸铁钢管及铸铁管。The lower casing flow; on the other hand, the user entered, the cause of the accident, causing water to flow, the flow of lower casing. Must also be set casing applied in water supply pipeline, length according to the requirement of design to do. Pipeline crossing basement waterproofing for buildings, structures, set up special production casing.砖墙上,柔性防水套管和刚性防水套管都是用于管道穿过受有振动或有严密防水要求的建筑物墙壁的五金配件,常用于建筑、化工、钢铁、贵阳防水套管自来水、污水处理等单位。为保证管道不被建筑物三缝两侧的不均于沉降而折断、或扭曲等,通常,也要设套管。这种套管往往有特殊的要求。可按设计要求订制。画线,栽设支架,找好坡度,安装套管。具有上述密封部的部件由硬度低于具有上述第二密封部的第二部 件的弹性材料所形成。套管的重量以L=300计算,重庆柔性防水套管如墙厚大于300时,应另行计算。fittings, general production enterprises is based on Building Science Research Institute developed S312, 02S404 standard atlas design manufacturing. The walls flexible waterproof casing wall department, such as the case of non - concrete should be replaced by concrete walls, and must be a solidification in the casing wall caulking sealant, should guarantee the contact joint surface no rust, paint, dirt, and 重庆柔性防水套管一般适用于管道穿过墙壁之处受有振动或有严密防水要求的构筑物;室外给水管道,因条件限制,距化粪池净距小于规范要求,贵阳柔性防水套管适用于管道穿墙处不承受管道振动和伸缩变形的构(建)筑物,适用于管道穿墙处空间有限或管道安装先于构(建)筑物或管道的更新改造。要求。非标则是在外形和大概结构符合标准图集的情况下,选材时对法兰厚度、翼环厚度、管径与厚度认为放宽要求,严格来说,江津防水套管这些是不合格的产品,conduct a visual inspection, found the pipe and pipe fittings in question shall be used. Construction is needed before the test and detection of pipe fittings and valves, the casing on the floor, not only consider the construction, repair or the most intuitive rigid waterproof casing and flexible waterproof casing, appearance is different, the 当然,一定程度内的放宽标准不至于影响使用,但过分的放宽标准则回影响到使用性能。刚性防水套管适用于饮用水水池防水套管的安装,在石棉水泥填打完毕以后进行与连接器外壳紧密接触,防水套管分为刚性防水套管和柔性防水套管。重庆江津防水套管两者主要是使用的地方不一样,柔性防水套管主要用在人防墙,水池等要求很高的地方,刚性防水套管一般用在地下室等管道需穿管道地位置。其特征在于,管道穿混凝土楼板、普通砖墙时,江津防水套管一般都在混凝土楼板上预留孔洞,普通砖墙可以后凿过墙眼。楼板处,在安管道之前,掉通线、安装套管。protection is not damaged. As we all know, casing plastic water pipe, not necessarily through the floor, but, on the floor height clear requirements, it is the purpose of. After the materials approach and a lower pipe should be tested before the pipe and accessories, including text and physical examination. Flexible waterproof casing in addition to the external wing ring, flange wire and ring like。