二手高速采样示波器/HP 54750A
地区:广东省 东莞市
电 话:0769-28311616
手 机:13332607146
传 真:0769-86251912

高速采样示波器 Agilent/HP 54750A
厂家:美国安捷伦/惠普 ( cm,24.5kg)
备注:本公司长期现金销售/收购/回收:网络分析仪、无线综合测试仪、频谱分析仪、视频音频分析仪、蓝牙测试仪、视频图象信号源、LCR测试仪、高低频信号源、示波器、万用表、手机程控电源、直流电源、电子负载、频率计、GPIB卡,PCI-GPIB卡、GPIB-USB-B等二手仪器出售/维修/收购。欢迎来电咨询!! 批发销售线材测试机CT-8681、CT-8683、CT-8685、CT-8687、CT-8688、CT-8689、CT-350、CT-360、CT-8600L、CT-8650E、CT-3300、TF-6815,并承接仪器维修及升及服务。联系人:冉先生,电话在:,手机
The Agilent 54750A is a modular system. Up to four high-bandwidth channels and TDR are supported by the mainframe. The modular design allows for expansion to meet changing needs.

The 20-GHz or 50-GHz bandwidth and the low-noise specifications allow very precise measurements on low-level, high-speed signals. Timebase stability, accuracy, and resolution allow characterization of jitter in the most demanding applications.

62.5-fs Resolution
10-ps Accuracy
数据传输率:550Kbytes/s typical
配:Agilent 54753A Single Ended TDR/TDT Plug-In Module

The Agilent 54753A TDR/TDT plug-in modules provide you with TDR and TDT measurement features. In addition to the TDR and TDT measurement features, the TDR plug-ins provide two accurate oscilloscope measurement channels with user selectable bandwidths of 12.4 or 18 GHz. The lower bandwidth mode provides excellent oscilloscope noise performance for accurate measurement of small signals. The high bandwidth mode provides high-fidelity display and measurement of very high-speed waveforms.

通道数:2 CH
用户可选择带宽:12.4 or 18 GHz (Channel 1)
用户可选择带宽:12.4 or 20 GHz (Channel 2)
2.5 GHz 触发通道
噪声:< 1 mVrms
Automatic and manual single-ended TDR and TDT measurement capability
Automatic and manual waveform, histogram, FFT, waveform m