点烟器式电瓶测试仪 电瓶测试仪
电 话:86-010-82937663
手 机:15901226671
传 真:86-010-82937663

将该检测器插入汽车点烟器口,用于测量汽车电瓶工作状况,当打开汽车钥匙未启动发动机时,该检测器显示值正常在12V左右;当启动后汽车电瓶开始充电,该检测器显示值应为13V~15V之间,此时可放心使用或行驶。 This battery meter is designed to measure the battery condition by plugging it in cigarette lighting socket. Before igniting the engine, the meter shows 12 v on the screen. As the engine is ignited, 13 v ~ 15 v should appear on the screen, indicating it is in normal operating condition. 当汽车发动不着时,该检测器显示值低于10V,则表示dianping电量严重不足,此时应及时充电或更换电瓶,车辆启动后将自动给电瓶充电,约一个小时后,即可正常使用电瓶启动车辆。 If an engine fails to ignite, the meter will display 10 v or less on screen. It is then necessary to recharge, or replace the battery. After the engine runs about one hour charging the battery, it is back to operating condition. 特别说明: 该电瓶电压检测器适用于12-24V汽车点烟器插口。 该产品内置0.5A安全熔断管。若无显示时,请拧开检测器头部,检查玻璃熔断管是否熔断,若熔断,请更换相同规格的熔断管。 Note: l         The battery meter is applicable for 12 v ~24 v car cigarette socket. l         The meter is 0.5 A fused. If there is no display, unscrew the meter connector to check the fuse. Replace the fuse when necessary.