UI2050 LED驱动电源综合性能测试仪(:5600)
电 话:86 0760 22586536
传 真:86 0760 22586536





UI2050测试仪是LED驱动电源综合测试仪,满足GB/T 24825-2009IEC62384:2006等国内、国际标准LED灯电性能的测试要求。UI2050 tester is for LED power driver, meet GB/T 24825-2009 ,IEC62384:2006 and other
national and international test standard of LED electrical property
性能Functions: 输入特性测试(交流) Input(AC)    测量输入电压、电流、功率、功率因数、电网频率、相位角、总谐波及050次各谐波分量    Input voltage,current,power,PF,frequency,phase angle, total harmonic and 0~50th 
    harmonic components
输入特性测试(直流) Input(DC)    测量输入电压、电流、功率    Input voltage,current,power输出特性测试(交流) Output(AC)    测量灯电压、灯电流、灯功率    lamp voltage,lamp current,lamp power输出特性测试(直流) Output(DC)    测量输出灯电压、灯电流、灯功率、纹波电流    lamp voltage,lamp current,lamp power,ripple current输出启动特性测试(直流) Ouput startup(DC):   测量灯电压、灯电流的02秒内变化曲线及数据    Test changing curve and data of lamp voltage,lamp current within 2 seconds输入Input accuracy:±(0.1% reading+0.1% range+1 digit)输出Output accuracy:±(0.1% reading+0.1% range+1 digit)八窗口显示输入特性、输出特性各参数,便于比较、分析    8 windows for displaying input and output parameters simultaneously, convenient for 
    comparison and analysis
输入、输出电流测试频响1MHz,能够准确测量各类LED驱动电源    Frequency response up to 1MHz lrms, content to every LED power测试快速,1秒钟实现输入、输出各参数测试    Input and output parameters tested simultaneously within 1 second便携型,内含单片微机,尤其适用于开发和现场生产    Portable style with single board micro-computer suitable for R&D and manufacturing spot可以与PC机通讯,提供专用软件,在中文版Windows98/2000/XP/Vista下运行,人机界面好,美观,
操作方便;中英文版面同时提供    Special program running under Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista provided for communication with 
    PC,both English
and Chinese version available