性能 Functions:
◆ 测量电感镇流器输入:电压、电流、功率、功率因数、频率、电流波峰比、总谐波及0~50次各谐波分量
Measure input parameters: Vrms, lrms, W, PF, Hz, current crest factor, total harmonic and 0~50th harmonic components
输入电压量程 V range: 10.0~300.0V,输入电流量程 A range: 0.010~2.000A,频率量程 f range: 45~65Hz
◆ 测量电感镇流器输出:电压、电流、功率、功率因数、频率、电流波峰比、总谐波及0~50次各谐波分量
Measure output parameters: Vrms, lrms, W, PF, Hz, current crest factor, total harmonic and 0~50th harmonic components
灯电压量程 Lamp voltage range: 10.0~450.0V,灯电流量程 Lamp current range: 0.010~2.000A
◆ Accuracy: ±(0.4% reading+0.1% range+1 digit)
◆ 适合任意波形测量,打印数据和曲线 Can test every kind of curve, print both data & curve
◆ 与PC机通用,同时提供中、英文版面,在Windows98/2000/XP/Vista下运行
Communication interface available for PC, running under Windows98/2000/XP/Vista