电 话:086 010 63993235
手 机:13241111685
传 真:086 010 63993599

本产品是一种便携式检查电动车电瓶的仪表。可以方便的检查 24V 、 36V 、 48V 三种电压,多种容量规格的电动车电瓶容量状态。在表盘上直接指示充足正常(绿区),不足尚能使用(黄区),终止重充(红区),快速直观地对电动车电瓶作出质量判断。
This tester for easy-to-do measurements in battery of electric bicycle. It can check three cells of batteries , as 24V 、 36V 、 48V , and varied capacity of batteries.You can check the capacity of battery by colour zone of the dial plate , green means the battery capacity is ok , yellow means the battery capacity is weak or bad , but needle remains steady , red means the battery capacity is bad or very run down and you should recharge it.

被测电动车电瓶额定电压: 24V 、 36V 、 48V
battery cell : 24V 、 36V 、 48V
被测电瓶额定容量: 8A h~ 17Ah
capacity of battery : 8A h~ 17Ah
外形尺寸: 240mm*88mm*85mm
Dimensions : 240mm*88mm*85mm
重量: 0.6kg
Weight : 0.6kg
电压示值误差:± 1 %
Error of voltage :± 1 %