电 话:86 0755 29231319
传 真:86 0755 29231319


SoundCheck是以软件为基础的而功能强大的电声和音频电子测量系统,是可以根据特定技术指标为你量身定制。它具有多种数据采集选项和软件模块,并易于集成到生产和研发测试领域,是工程技术实验室和生产车间的理想测试系统。 请浏览以下页面来了解如何使用SoundCheck来测试各种单一和多通道音频设备。


SoundCheck的研发应用:是什么令SoundCheck成为音频产品设计实验室的特定选用测试系统? 了解SoundCheck的度和功能,测试灵活性,和其他实验室设备的兼容性和先进的撰写功能。

SoundCheck生产线应用:为什么那么多的跨国公司拥有多套SoundCheck软件用于生产线上? 了解SoundCheck的速度,可靠性,抗噪性,生产线整合性和'数据库 统计能力。

SoundCheck的性应用:当你在世界各地进行测试标准化,SoundCheck 在哪些方面有别于其他产品?了解其语言选项,共享程序,数据传输以及更多信息。





SoundCheck -完备的研发工作室

SoundCheck是目前市场上完善的音频测试系统。 它具有的测量分析,后处理和统计能力比得上那些价格贵几倍的硬件音频分析仪。另外,SoundCheck不仅仅是音频分析仪 – 它相当于一个设备完善的研发工作室。它包含了实验室里可以找到的所有典型设备的软件版本 - 频谱分析仪,实时分析仪,信号发生器,万用表和示波器,因此你无须额外的硬件来进行测试。


前端的输入设备,例如高端声卡和National Instruments PCI/PXI-4461数据采集卡提供了可与昂贵的硬件测试系统相比拟的准确性,同时,该软件特定的算法可以保证的测试结果和深度分析。 SoundCheck综合发挥了电脑的计算机功能来达到快速的数据采集和分析。这些特点,结合程序先进的后处理性能,统计工具盒撰写的选项,令该系统成为设计处理的强有力的工具。


SoundCheck是测试开发人员的梦想。 你无需编程知识来写复杂的测量程序,因为所有的测试是建立在通过直接点击的图形界面形成一系列的步骤的流程图格式。用户可以控制每个测试参数,而所有的控制都可以同时在界面中显示以达到快速测试修改和研制。测试步骤控制所有的功能,包括设定硬件参数,校准,创建激励值,采集,分析和保存数据及创建。

SoundCheck就像一个预编程步骤的综合图书馆;每一步骤都可以修改,可以创建用户自定义步骤及添加这些步骤到图书馆。整个测试程序是从单个的步骤,或从包含了几个步骤的子程序中组合而来的,这样,令建立和修改测试快而简单。Co这些测试程序是可以保存的,所以整个测试可以通过点击鼠标,就完成了设立,分析到,产生结论和存档。测试步骤,程序和子程序都可以被复制,修改,保存,导出和发送电子邮件。 既节省了时间,又提高了测试程序的可重复性。


尽管SoundCheck是一个完全独立的系统,但它可以和任何品牌的辅助测试设备兼容,包括头和躯干模拟器,仿真嘴和仿真耳,麦克风,功率放大器,电话测试接口,信号路由器等等。该系统同样适用于你今后的测试需求 - 软件会不断升级,附加的模块会不断增添新的功能,而且这些升级都会是简单和不昂贵的。


让你的笔记本电脑真正发挥作用! 如果你安装SoundCheck系统在笔记本电脑上,你就能带着具有音频分析性能的实验室,而无需硬件设备轻松上路了。 该系统不仅性价比高,而且特别适用于紧急处理生产线上的问题。


你可以通过导出数据自定义SoundCheck,或者输出数据到Microsoft® Word或Excel之类的软件包,或者如Microsoft Access, SQL或Oracle®之类的数据库进行存档,后处理或撰写。 SoundCheck 同样可以通过使用National Instruments’ 的Test StandTM或Active X®等软件跟大型的测试应用程序想结合。


SoundCheck令生产线轻松地执行跟研发实验室同样的测试 - 这样可以确保用户听到跟设计工程师的预期完全一样的效果。 由于没有昂贵和复杂的硬件设备,SoundCheck 的价格在生产应用上是可承受的。它的速度很快并跟自动化生产线整合在一起。 重要的是,它先进的算法可以确保即使在高噪音的环境下测试结果仍然可靠。

同样的测试程序可以根据研发用途和生产用途进行不同的配置。 例如,一个研发测试可以允许操作员修改输入参数并输出一个全面细致的分析,而生产线版本则只允许预设定为“单击”操作来输出简单的“通过/失败”结果给操作员,并将全面的测试结果写到数据库里。 因此,用户可以为在公司内部开发的测试,同时和他们的制造工厂或第三方供应商共用该测试程序的生产线版本。这样,无论在哪里生产,都易于进行质量控制

SoundCheck -快速可靠的生产线测试

SoundCheck非常适用于生产线测试。 它具有先进的算法,即使在高噪音的环境下,仍然可以进行快速和可重复的测试,和自动化生产线完全结合在一起。 它比人工测听更可靠,比“堆架式”系统更简单和经济。 这一系列低预算的生产线软件包提供了生产制造产业所需的功能,但成本明显低于一套全面的研发系统。



SoundCheck’先进的算法实现了极其快速的测试。 例如: 它能够在短短的一秒钟内执行全面的传感器分析 - 包括产生激励信号,测量所需的参数,将结果和参考标准相比较,并以简单的“通过、失败”信息来显示测试结果。 多通道软件和硬件选项可以达到同时测量多个系统参数,以进行快速测试多通道设备(如混合主板或环绕声系统)和批量测试。




你可以设置测试为“点击”或自动化操作以生成“通过/失败”结果,同时,各种级别的密码保护可以让你控制谁可以进入和修改测试程序。 为了更简化生产测试,你可以选择中文版,令海外的生产线员工或第三方供应商明白屏幕上的指引。这些功能都被添加到系统中,提供简单,无差错的操作。


由于SoundCheck使用的硬件只是一台电脑和一个的音频声卡 - 容易购买,并且低维护成本,所以它基本上消除了测试系统的停机时间。 如果发生故障,你自己的员工就可以通过使用标准的现货供应配件来修复运行。你也可以选择通过互联网获得Listen 公司工程师的即时远程诊断。


SoundCheck和自动化软件相兼容,并通过使用RS-232, IEEE-488, 蓝牙,FireWire, USB 和 TTL i界面跟条形码系统,PLCs等硬件相连接。SoundCheckc可以通过LabVIEW 或其他支持ActiveX 命令(VB.NET, C#, C++, Java 等等),所以它和大部分的测试平台相兼容。 所有的测试结果都会被记录在Sound Check 里面,或者输出到其他软件来进行统计程序控制。在生产自动化当中,你可以把测试设置为当被测设备到位时开始,不及格的设备会被从生产线中自动剔除。


你可以把测试设置为多数据输出选项。 这些包括发送给生产线操作人员的通过比较参考标准值而产生的“通过/失败”指示,自定义的SoundCheck,或发送到Microsoft® Access, SQL 或Oracle® 数据库进行存档,数据开发采集或撰写的完整的测试结果记录。 SoundCheck 还具有广泛的统计分析工具栏,包括了Gage R&R,值,小值,平均值,标准偏差,收益,Cpk和平均值。

SoundMap Technical Specifications

Version 1.0

Time View

  • Input File Data format
    • SoundCheck Waveform
    • Wave file (*.wav)
    • TIM: MLSSA binary file format for time data
    • Text files (documented format)
  • Display of time waveform + zoom
  • Analysis Parameters
    • Choice of the transform: STFT, CSD, WV, Wavelet (see algorithms)
    • Frequency resolution: Hz (STFT, CSD, WV) or 1/3…1/24 octave (Wavelet).
    • Frequency resolution (in Hz)
    • Time increment (in s)
    • WV Smoothing size (in s)
    • Automatic / manual setup
  • Information
    • Sampling frequency (Hz)
    • Transform Overlap (%)
    • Window/Wavelet duration (s).
    • BT product (%)
    • Analysis duration (s)
    • Analysis completeness ( “Gap Free”):
    • Number of spectra, lines/spectra, time-frequency pixels
    • Bar-graphs for windows size, smoothing size and analysis duration

Multispectrum View

  • Time-frequency intensity map with color coded levels and 2 side displays.
  • Intensity Map (time-frequency-level)
    • Color coded levels
    • Unit = calibrated power spectral density in dB(ref. 1 U²/Hz)
    • Choice of color scales: Rainbow, Fire, Sunset, Grey Scale…
    • Choice of Dynamic Range
    • 2D Max search.
    • 2 cross-cursors (one absolute, one delta)
  • Right Side Display= Frequency Display
    • Global Energy Spectrum (U².s/Hz)
    • Instantaneous spectrum (U²/Hz)= frequency slice at time location of cursor 1.
    • Partial spectrum (U².s/Hz) between the 2 vertical cursors on the map
    • Group Delay curve(s)
    • 2 horizontal cursors coupled with the ones on the map.
  • Bottom Display= Time Display
    • Time wave, analyzed segment (U)
    • Time slice (U²/Hz). The time slice is done at frequency location of cursor 1.
    • Energy time curve (U²)
    • Partial Energy time curve (U²) between the 2 horizontal cursors on the map
    • Instantaneous Frequency (Hz)
    • 2 vertical cursors coupled with the cursors of the map
  • Analysis Parameters and Informations + Bargraphs as in the analysis front panel
  • PhysicalUnit U.
  • Energy Display: Total or Partial (defined by cursors)
  • Save/recall map file
  • Save jpg/bmp images

3D view (Color Waterfall)

  • Log/Lin freq axis
  • Color scale or Surface
  • Full choice of view angle
  • 3D Cursor
  • Save jpg/bmp images



  • STFT: Short-Term Fourier Transform with Gaussian window.
  • WV:Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-Ville Transform with 2 independent Gaussian windows. Implemented in analytical form.
  • CSD: Cumulative Spectral Decay with Cosine-Tapered (Tukey) Window. Low frequency limit inverse of window duration.
  • Wavelet: Gaussian Analytical wavelet (Morlet). Fractional octave bandwidth and center frequencies.


  • Global Energy Spectrum†: power sum of all spectrum of the multispectrum.
  • Sub-Total Spectrum†: sum of all spectrum of the multispectrum, between the 2 verticals cursors.
  • Energy Calculus†: sum of all time-frequency values of the whole multispectrum for the total energy, or in the box delimited by the 2 cross-cursors, for the partial energy.
  • Energy-Time Curve: sum of all time slices of the multispectrum.
  • Partial Energy Time Curve: sum of all time slices of the multispectrum, between the 2 horizontals cursors.
  • Group Delay Curve†: centroid of each time slice over frequency.
  • Instantaneous Frequency Curve:centroid of each frequency slice over time.

Loudspeaker Testing

Applications of SoundCheck for Loudspeaker Testing Include:

  • High-speed production testing
  • Research and development
  • Incoming inspection
  • Vendor auditing

Industry Standard Loudspeaker Tests

  • Frequency response
  • Phase
  • Distortion
  • Rub & Buzz
  • Polarity
  • Impedance
  • Sensitivity
  • Polar plots
  • THD
  • Sound pressure level
  • Power rating tests
  • FFT and Real Time analyses


System Overview

SoundCheck® is an easily configurable, Windows-based system for efficient and comprehensive measurement and testing of loudspeakers.

 Multiple Tests accomplished with one sine sweep


Frequency Response of Production Speaker Normalized to Reference


Visual Basic Program Controlling SoundCheck


High Resolution Spectrum Analysis


Directional Measurement of Loudspeaker


Production Testing

SoundCheck is a fast and accurate system for production line testing and loudspeaker QC. All quality-related parameters – both acoustical and electrical – are measured simultaneously, resulting in fast and thorough loudspeaker evaluation. SoundCheck’s unique stepped sine excitation signal (Stweep™) permits such detailed tests to be performed in as little as 3 seconds without sacrificing test accuracy, and its proprietary HarmonicTrak™ algorithm maintains measurement accuracy even in noisy environments.

The software can be configured for one-click access to commonly used tests, and various levels of operator control can be assigned to prevent modification of the test sequence. Results can be presented as a simple pass/fail indication, or a detailed failure mode analysis. Pass/Fail limits can be user-defined, determined by offsetting data from a measurement (e.g. ±3dB from the response curve of a reference loudspeaker), or determined statistically using SoundCheck’s statistical analysis module. Detailed results can be exported to other programs for additional processing, statistical control, and generating documents in standardized formats.

SoundCheck interfaces with barcode readers, footswitches, and other digital I/O devices such as TTL controlled relays, RS-232, and IEEE-488 to integrate fully with automatic production lines.

R&D Testing

SoundCheck is a powerful and flexible tool for the R&D laboratory. Its advanced measurement algorithms enable rapid characterization of prototypes, performing comprehensive tests such as frequency response, phase, sensitivity, distortion, directivity, impedance, and Thiele-Small parameters in a matter of seconds. SoundCheck is available with either a sound card or with National Instrument’s data acquisition cards for high precision measurements.

SoundCheck offers unrivalled flexibility at every stage in the test process. Input test signals include sine, noise, and any signal stored as a WAV file (e.g. multi-tone, impulse, tone burst, etc.). Customized test sequences are easily developed using SoundCheck’s unique point and click interface. SoundCheck can be easily incorporated into existing test programs that utilize ActiveX controls or National Instruments LabVIEW®.

Analysis tools include a FFT analyzer and an optional real time analyzer (RTA), which provides the R&D engineer with 1/1, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12, and 1/24 octave analysis. An optional analysis module enables the measurement of a loudspeaker’s free-field response and free-field harmonic distortion in a non-anechoic environment using a continuous logarithmic sine sweep. Soundcheck’s post-processing editor has many pre-programmed routines including Thiele-Small parameters, curve fitting to determine resonances, arithmetic operations, curve smoothing, and statistical functions. SoundCheck can also record the loudspeaker’s response as a WAV file for additional analysis.


Typical Loudspeaker Testing System Configuration

A typical loudspeaker test system consists of the SoundCheck Basic Software with optional Distortion, Post-Processing, Simulated Free-Field and Equation Editor modules, computer, sound card, audio amplifier, impedance box, microphone, and microphone power supply (options may vary depending upon application).


Features and Benefits

Same System for R&D and Production


Sample SoundCheck Report Sheet for a Loudspeaker Test

With a common system for R&D and for the production line, it is easy for the tests developed by engineering to be performed on the production line. Identical virtual laboratories can be recreated around the world, making it easy for manufacturing to carry out the same tests as engineering, even if they are thousands of miles away.

Virtual Audio Test Bench

The SoundCheck software includes a virtual audio test bench. This includes a Signal Generator, Multimeter, Real Time Analyzer, Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer. These virtual instruments provide exactly the same functionality as their expensive hardware equivalents, avoiding the need to purchase any additional stand-alone instrumentation.

One System, Many Options

SoundCheck is a modular system. Whether you want a basic sound card based system for production line testing of loudspeakers, or a sophisticated R&D system with National Instrument’s PXI-4461 dynamic signal acquisition module, for high accuracy laboratory measurements, we have a system to match your requirements and your budget.


Microphone Testing

Applications of SoundCheck for Microphone Testing Include:

  • Electret Condensers
  • Pro Audio Microphones
  • Wireless Microphone Systems
  • USB Microphones
  • MEMS microphones


Industry Standard Microphone Tests

  • Frequency response
  • Sensitivity
  • Phase
  • Self-noise and signal-to-noise
  • IM Distortion
  • Simulated free-field response
  • Directional characteristics (polar plot)
  • Impulse response
  • Max SPL


Features and Benefitsof SoundCheck for Microphone Testing

Frequency Response
SoundCheck features a variety of test signals and analysis methods for measuring the frequency response of a microphone. The source speaker can be calibrated such that any stimulus signal is equalized to remove the influence of the speaker’s magnitude and phase response.  SoundCheck’s stepped sine Stweep is the perfect choice for use in an anechoic chamber, test box, or for proximity tests. It can easily be optimized for the desired trade-off between accuracy and speed. For an extremely fast production test, use the Multitone stimulus, which plays a series of discrete frequencies simultaneously. You can even use an equalized speech or music WAV file as a stimulus and analyze the microphone’s response with the Transfer Function module.  

Simulated Free-Field Response
Not everyone who wants to measure a microphone’s free field response has an anechoic chamber at their disposal. Typically the problem with measuring free field response in a non-anechoic room is the influence of room reflections on the measurement. With SoundCheck’s Time Selective Response algorithm these reflections can be time-windowed out, and the resulting frequency response is anechoic and accurate. A log sine sweep is used as the stimulus.The algorithm calculates the impulse response, and a user-defined time window is placed around it, eliminating the influence of room reflections. 

 Directional Characteristics
Measuring directionality is a key part of any microphone testing. With SoundCheck, a microphone can be tested at multiple angles, and the data can be displayed on a single graph. This angular data can also be used to calculate the Directivity Index curve versus frequency, as well as generate polar plots for discrete frequencies. SoundCheck can also automate the entire process of directivity measurements by directly communicating with a turntable via GPIB or RS-232.    

Most traditional audio analyzers are only capable of measuring one type of distortion, THD (total harmonic distortion). This measurement does not work for microphones, as the source speaker will almost always exhibit higher THD than the microphone under test. There is, however, another method.  SoundCheck can measure the distortion of a microphone using an intermodulation distortion technique and two separate sound sources. One source is used to produce a fixed tone and the other is used to produce a sine sweep. In this way, the harmonic distortion of the sources is excluded from the measurement, and only the selected intermodulation components from the microphone are measured.


Typical Microphone Test System Configuration


A typical microphone test system consists of the SoundCheck Basic System that includes stepped-sine sweep (Stweep™) excitation, frequency/phase response, and a calibrated high-end sound card. Optional SoundWare modules include the Real Time Analyzer and polar plotting. Turnkey systems including computer, reference microphones, test chambers, and audio amplifiers are also available.


SoundCheck Options

1000 SoundCheck Basic
Recommended Modules:
2020 Multitone Excitation

1102 SoundCheck Transducer QC Plus
Recommended Modules:
2006 Time Selective Response
2010 Database Module

1103 SoundCheck Transducer R&D
Recommended Modules:
2013 WAV File Equalization Module
2005 Real Time Analyzer

Associated Hardware

  • Reference Microphone
  • Listen SoundConnectorAmpConnect
  • Acoustic Calibrator
  • Mouth Simulator
  • Anechoic Test Box
  • Turntable
  • Listen DC Connect(for ECMs)


Headphone Testing

Applications of SoundCheck for Headphone Testing Include:

  • High-speed production testing Research and development
  • Incoming inspection
  • Circumaural (sealed), Superaural (open air), Earbud, and Canal (In-ear monitors) headphones
  • Amplifiers


Industry Standard Headphone Tests

  • Frequency response
  • Phase
  • Distortion
  • Left/Right earphone tracking
  • Maximum sound pressure level
  • Diffuse or Free-field corrected responses according to IEC 268-7 and IEC 581-10


Features and Benefitsof SoundCheck for Headphone Testing

Production Testing
SoundCheck offers fast and accurate system production line testing. All acoustical and electrical quality-related parameters including frequency response, distortion, rub and buzz, polarity, impedance and sensitivity are measured simultaneously, resulting in fast and thorough headphone evaluation. SoundCheck’s unique stepped sine excitation signal (Stweep™) permits such detailed tests to be performed in as little as 3 seconds without sacrificing test accuracy, and its proprietary HarmonicTrak™ algorithm maintains measurement accuracy even in noisy environments.

The software can be configured for one-click access to commonly used tests, and various levels of operator control prevent modification of the test sequence. Results can be presented as a simple pass/fail indication, or a detailed failure mode analysis. Pass/Fail limits can be user-defined, determined by offsetting data from a measurement (e.g. ±3dB from the response curve of a reference headphone), or determined statistically using SoundCheck’s statistical analysis module. Detailed results can be exported to other programs such as Microsoft Excel® for additional processing, statistical control, and generating documents in standardized formats.

SoundCheck interfaces with barcode readers, footswitches, and other digital I/O devices such as TTL controlled relays, RS-232, and IEEE-488 to integrate fully with automatic production lines.

R&D Testing
SoundCheck is a powerful and flexible tool for the R&D laboratory. Its advanced measurement algorithms enable rapid characterization of prototypes, performing comprehensive tests such as frequency response, phase, sensitivity, distortion, and impedance in a matter of seconds. SoundCheck is available with either a sound card or with National Instrument’s data acquisition cards for high precision measurements.

SoundCheck offers unrivalled flexibility at every stage in the test process. Input test signals include sine, noise, and any signal stored as a WAV file (e.g. multi-tone, impulse, tone burst, etc.).
In addition, amplitude sweeps can be generated using SoundCheck’s Stimulus Editor to study compression effects and determine maximum SPL. Customized test sequences are easily developed using SoundCheck’s unique point and click interface. SoundCheck can be easily incorporated into existing test programs that utilize ActiveX controls or National Instruments LabVIEW®.

Analysis tools include a FFT analyzer and optional real time analyzer (RTA), which provides the R&D engineer with 1/1, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12, and 1/24 octave analysis. An optional analysis module enables the measurement of a headphone’s free-field response and free-field harmonic distortion in a non-anechoic environment using a continuous logarithmic sine sweep. Soundcheck’s post-processing editor has many pre-programmed routines including Thiele-Small parameters, curve fitting to determine resonances, arithmetic operations to determine the difference between left and right earphone (including phase), diffuse field and free-field corrections, curve smoothing, and statistical functions. SoundCheck can also record the headphone’s response as a WAV file for additional analysis.

Features and Benefits
Same System for R&D and Production
With a common system for R&D and for the production line, it is easy for the tests developed by engineering to be performed on the production line. This makes it easy for manufacturing to carry out the same tests as engineering, even if they are thousands of miles away.

Virtual Audio Test Bench
The SoundCheck software includes a virtual audio test bench. This includes a Signal Generator, Multimeter, Real Time Analyzer, Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer. These virtual instruments pro-vide exactly the same functionality as their expen-sive hardware equivalents, avoiding the need to purchase any additional stand-alone instrumentation.

One System, Many Options
SoundCheck is a modular system. Whether you want a basic sound card based system for production line testing of headphones, or a sophisticated R&D system with National Instrument’s PXI-4461 dynamic signal acquisition module, for high accuracy lab-oratory measurements, we have a system to match your requirements and your budget.


Typical Headphone Test System Configuration


A typical headphone test system consists of the SoundCheck Basic Software with optional distortion test module, computer, sound card, audio amplifier, artificial ear or test head, and microphone power supply for each ear (options may vary depending upon application).

Headset Testing

Applications of SoundCheck for Headset Testing Include:

  • Analog wired headsets
  • USB headsets
  • Bluetooth headsets
  • Stereo or Mono

Industry Standard Headset Tests

  • Frequency response
  • Sensitivity
  • Phase
  • Self-noise and signal-to-noise
  • Distortion
  • Max SPL
  • Loudness Ratings
  • Send sensitivity in a diffuse field
  • Directional characteristics (polar plot)
  • TIA 810/920

Features and Benefits of SoundCheck for Headset Testing

Frequency Response
SoundCheck features a variety of test signals and analysis methods for measuring the frequency response of both the receiver (speaker) and microphone path in a headset. A stepped sine sweep is ideal for simple analog headsets with minimal audio signal processing, and simple digital headsets with stable latency.  More advanced methods are necessary to test complex headsets or headset systems, because they do not react in a normal way to stepped sine signals. One example is a headset with substantial signal processing, such as a compressor, expander, etc. Other examples are digital devices, like Bluetooth headsets, that are prone to dropouts and latency shifts. These more complex headsets necessitate the use of broadband stimuli like noise, speech, or simulated speech (i.e. ITU-T P.50).  SoundCheck features the ability to use any WAV file as a stimulus, giving you the flexibility to choose your own source signal. These stimuli can even be corrected by a calibrated equalization curve when using a mouth simulator as the output source. 

Digital Communication
SoundCheck can communicate with any device that appears in the list of Windows audio devices.  This means that testing a Bluetooth or USB headset is as easy as connecting it to a PC and selecting it from a list in SoundCheck. No external digital interface is required!  A standard Listen-recommended soundcard is used for sending signals to a mouth simulator and receiving the signals from an ear simulator.  All of the audio to and from the headset is handled directly in the SoundCheck test sequence. 

Measuring distortion is a key part of any headset testing.  Typically the receive transducer is tested for Total Harmonic Distortion and possibly Rub & Buzz.  SoundCheck’s HarmonicTrak algorithm accomplishes both of these, as well as generating a frequency response, from a single acquired waveform. The user has the option to select exactly which harmonics are analyzed, and a plot of distortion versus frequency is created.  A multitone stimulus can be used to test devices that do not work well with sine waves (e.g. Bluetooth headsets). The multitone analysis can also output a non-coherent distortion plot.  While this measurement is not identical to THD, it can be an effective metric for analyzing a device’s real-world performance. Another option is to use pulsed-noise distortion measurements, recently described in IEEE 269. 

Conformance to Standards
Some customers may have the desire or requirement to test their products according to an international standard. Listen offers two suites of test sequences for performing these measurements on headsets: TIA 810-B and TIA 920. Purchasing these sequence bundles saves a significant amount of test development time and is a great enhancement for an R&D system. 

Typical Headset Test System Configuration

Coming Soon

 Caption Coming soon too!

SoundCheck Options

1000 SoundCheck Basic or 1004 Bluetooth Production
Recommended Modules:
2020 Multitone Excitation
2001 Harmonic Distortion

1108 SoundCheck Bluetooth R&D
Recommended Modules:
2005 Real Time Analyzer
2013 WAV File Equalization Module
2007 IEEE/ITU Loudness ratings

1105 SoundCheck Telephone R&D
3105 IEEE 269-2002 Clause 9
3108 TIA-810B Clauses 6, 7 & 8
3109 TIA-920 Clauses 7, 8 & 9

Associated Hardware

Reference Microphone
Acoustic Calibrator
Mouth Simulator
Ear Simulator
Head and Torso Simulator (HATS)