产品简介:原型号:HH.W21-600BS 数显式
该产品 适用于卫生、工矿企业、大专院校和科研单位等作精密恒温和辅助加热之用。
Its suitable for precise homeothermal and assistant heating equipment in medical units. Factories and mines. Schools, and R&D institutes.
* 箱体采用优质冷轧钢板制定,表面静电喷塑处理,整体结构设计合理,造型新颖美观。工作室、上下框及盖均用不锈钢板制成,抗腐蚀性强。箱体与工作室间填充优质保温材料。
* 温控系统采用较可靠的调节控制装置,感热性强、灵敏度高,在使用范围内可任意调节。温度控制器是数显式、PID自整定控温仪。
Construction features:
*The tank body is made up with excellent cold rolling steel plates with surface plastics sprayed. Whose structure is designed reasonable and mould is novel and beautiful. The upper and inferior frame and the cover of the work room are all made up with stainless steel materials with strong anti-corrosion capability. And there are excellent adiabators filled between tank body and work room. The temperature control system employs relatively reliable adjustable controller with strong thermonasty and high response. Which can be freely adjusted among the using scope. There are 2 types of temperature controller able to be selected. E g digital display and pointer selection. The heating facility employs closed type heater. Which is capable of being immersed in the water directly to reduce the heat energy loss.
主要技术指标: Primary technical indexes:
* 控 温 范 围: Temperature contral scope: 37 ℃-65 ℃
当室温高于34℃时:室温+3 ℃-65 ℃
When the amen temperature higher than 34℃.Its RT+3 ℃-65 ℃
* 温 度 波 动: Temperature flctuation: ± 0.5 ℃
* 温度均匀度: Temperature contral : ± .5℃
* 额定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) : 0.5
* 电 压 / 电 源: Voltage / powe : 220V±10% / 50HZ+2%
* 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) : 60×30×15
* 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) : 75×38×37
* 包装尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm ) : 81×48×47
* 净重/毛重(Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg ) : 19 / 33