德国AB 8.8113 SF4 1F DN25 PN 40
Model SF4.1F Thermowell Form 4.1F
For fl anging for stem with union nut
Thermowells are being applied to protect thermometer stems against process-related chemical and / or mechanical loads.
Furthermore a thermowell, which remains at the measuring point, enables the unproblematic dismounting of the thermometer for maintenance or repair.
Standard Versions
For thermometer stems with union nut, our models A3 and B3.
Construction Type
Thermowell (identical with thermowell model SF4.1, that means solid drilled with cone), with welded process connection fl ange for high loads by the process (fl ows, pressures, temperatures and vibrations).
Process Connection
Connection fl ange DIN EN 1092-1.
sealing face Form B1,
nominal size DN / nominal pressure PN
DN 25 PN 10-40
DN 50 PN 10-16
DN 50 PN 25-40
Connection to Thermometer Stem N
Male thread G ½ or G ¾
Details see reverse side.
Internal Diameter d1
Ø 7 mm suitable for stem-Ø dF 6 mm
Ø 9 mm suitable for stem-Ø dF 8 mm
Ø 11 mm suitable for stem-Ø dF 10 mm
Ø 13 mm suitable for stem-Ø dF 12 mm
Available combinations for the connection to thermometer stem N and internal diameter d1, see reverse side.
Total Length L (Standard)
200, 260, 320 mm
Details and installation length U1, see reverse side.
1.4571 (316 stainless steel)
Process Temperature / Process Pressure
Maximum allowed process temperature: 500 °C
Maximum allowed process pressure: corresponding to PN of the fl ange
Concrete process conditions (medium, fl ow rate, pressure, temperature) and the thermowell version (dimensions, material) could cause a reduction of the above mentioned maximum allowed values, see load diagrams DIN 43 772.
We can make a thermowell calculation for your concrete fi eld of application (see special version and options) upon request.
Special Versions and Options among others
• Connection thread to thermometer stem N
M 20 x 1.5 (instead G½), others upon request
• Other thermowell-Ø upon request
• Other thermowell- / installation length L / U1 and cone length U upon request
• Flanges according to other norms or other nominal sizes upon request
• Other materials upon request
• Thermowell free of grease and oil
• Coating adjusted to medium and medium temperature upon request
• Test report 2.1
• Inspection certifi cate 2.2
• Test certifi cate 3.1 for the material
• Test certifi cate 3.1 for the pressure test upon request
Dimensions, Lengths, corresponding Thermometer Stems
1)La = active length
The active stem length La can be found on the thermometer data sheets.
Technical changes, replacement of materials and errors excepted.
北威州的ARMATURENBAUGmbH 是一家拥有长年生产压力测量仪器传统的中型企业,它的前身是1903年成立的位于德国Halle/Saale的 August Beer 公司。大约180员工为了公司的前途不断地努力工作。
MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH的前身是撒克逊州的“Meßgerätewerk Beierfeld”。自1957年以来,这里生产工业用压力和温度测量仪器以及气体压力温度计、保护管、接触压力表、真空计,1991年MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH 作为 ARMATURENBAU GmbH 的子公司私有化。
MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH 客户主要分布在德国东部、东欧、前苏联国家和中国这些地区和国家之中。
欢迎致电咨询订购德国AB 8.8113 SF4 1F DN25 PN 40,法兰连接外螺纹整体钻孔式套管
电话:6291930 15910733293
公司:https://www.zoriver.cn https://www.zoriver.com.cn