型号:UPM307 | 可测电压范围:600(V) | 可测电流范围:5(A) |
准确度等级:0.1% | 规格:UPM307 |
UPM307功率表 (UPM307 - DIN 96x96 Compact Power Meter) 概述 · 小巧功能强大 (Small and powerful) UPM307是一种能测量三相系统电气参数的数字表。它甚至可以测量被扭曲的波形。大尺寸带背光LCD显示屏十分高效,可确保在各种光照下有完美可视性。(UPM307 is a digital meter able to measure the electrical parameters on three-phase systems. It provides accurate measurements even by distorted waveform. The backlighted LCD display is very large and highly efficient, therefore it guarantees perfect visibility in all light conditions.) 简单的操作菜单使仪器易于使用,可快速检验仪器设置和内存状态。(A simple menu structure makes the instrument easy to use and allows a quick check of the measured parameters.) RS232或RS485串行通信端口可从仪表传输三相系统的电气参数。(The RS232 or RS485 serial communication port allows to transfer the three-phase electrical parameters from the instrument.) UPM307可替代多种指针表(模拟表),如电压表,电流表,有功功率表,无功功率表,频率表,功率因数表,电能表(电度表)等单一功能仪表。(UPM307 replaces multiple analog meters as well as single function meters such as voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, 可通过选项定制基本仪表以适合特定应用 (The basic instrument can be customized with some options to fit the specific application.) UPM304是一紧凑型,费效比高的仪表 即可作为独立仪器,也可作为广域能源监测和管理网络的组成部分运行。(UPM307 is a compact, costeffective meter operating both as a stand-alone device or as anintegral part of a more extensive energy monitoring and managementnetwork.) |