地区:广东省 广州市
电 话:020-86258585
手 机:18620052911
传 真:020-86243586
GHAC-6V 玻璃瓶真空旋盖机 Glass bottle vacuum capping machine 产品介绍:该玻璃瓶真空旋盖机引进吸收美国、意大利先进技术设计制造,适用于各种调味品、酱品、腐乳、果汁、果酱等产品的四旋盖与三旋盖的真空封口。机芯、机座均采用不锈钢制造,卫生耐用。采用进口电气元件,旋盖速度变频调速,具有生产能力高,理盖下盖稳定,旋盖平稳可靠,无盖自动停机等优点,能在很短时间内流畅而准确地自动连续完成“定位”、“上盖”、“蒸汽喷射真空”、“封盖”等一系列工作。 技术参数: 生产能力 80-150瓶/min 适用盖径 30-80mm 适用瓶径 30-85mm 适用瓶高 65-280mm 电机功率 3.12kW 蒸汽耗量 180-230kg/h 蒸汽压力 ≤0.4MPa 瓶内压强 67 kpa(502mmHg) 外形尺寸 3000x1100x2000(mm) 设备重量约1100kg Introduction: It’s a vacuuming capping machine with steam spraying for glass bottles. It is used to vacuum seal for sorts of three or four screw caps, and pilferproofcaps of seasoning, vegetable, bean curd, juice and jam etc, widely used in large production of foodstuff, beverage and canning plants. Features: 1. Auto cap-arranging-feeding 2. auto heating caps 3. sensoring bottles, the feeding caps; vice-versa 4. feeding bottles by bottle-grouping screw 5. AC frequency-conversion (option) 6. steam spraying vacuum sealing caps 7. auto stop and alarm when no bottle or bottle stuck Technical parameters: Production capacity: 80-150BPM Motor power: 3.12kw Steam consumption: 180-230kg/hr Suitable can diameters: 30-85mm Suitable can height: 65-280mm Dimension: 3000*1100*2000mm Gross weight:1100kg 公司主页: https://www.guanhejx.com https://guanhejx.en.alibaba.com https://guanhejx.en.made-in-china.com


