地区:河南省 郑州市
电 话:0371-68625883
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Quantum weak magnetic resonance detection method is an emerging fast, accurate and non-invasive spectroscopic detection methods, especially suitable for drugs, health care products and the contrast effect of sub-health checks.Instruments are widely used in health care, community-disease screening, health, physical health, medicine health products marketing, products, tracking service, Beauty Body, health screening, health club, health stations, community service, can quickly give personal health advice and medication guide.
    "Quantum weak magnetic resonance analyzer," is based on the theory of quantum medicine, quantum medicine is based on the theory of quantum physics carried out in medicine, is the analysis of organisms by measuring the vibration frequency of the size of the release, and the weak magnetic field fluctuations in energy of the medical diagnostic medical, also known as volatility medicine.Working principle is that all organisms, the human body carries a very weak magnetic field, which generated from the electronic spin around the nucleus, and this with different health and disease information, we put this information to quantify, thereby disease andhealth assessment.Quantum resonance is one thing with the nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, a large magnetic field is applied to strengthen your magnetic field were measured after the capture of information, the final resulting image process, we use each of the human body's normal magnetic field.If the magnetic field disturbances on the sick one, and the machine measured how?Put tens of thousands of normal information made a library, I get to the value of the new information database with the standard controls, super-a not normal, when it is within the scope of normal.