YN系列耐震压力表 充油
电 话:0571 85371044
传 真:0571 85382787
YN系列耐震压力表 充油的详细信息
  • 类型:耐震压力表
  • 测量范围:0-60000(kPa)
  • 等级:2.5 1.6
  • 联接型式:M20*1.5
  • 公称直径:60(mm)
  • 环境温度:-40 70(℃)
YN系列 耐振压力表/YN Series Aseismatic Pressure Gauge   耐振压力表广泛适用于石油、矿山\液压等工业领域中,它外观精致,质优价廉,能抗工作环境较剧烈的振动和介质压力的脉冲影响,具有较高的测量度和优越的抗疲劳性能。  YN Series Aseismatic Pressure Gauge is widely applied in Petrol,Mine,Hydraulic industries.With delicate appearance and good performance/price ratio,this kind of gauge can stand severe vibration and medium pressure pulse effect from the working environment.It does also have high—class Precision Grade and good performance of an ti-fatigue. 主要技术指标  Main Technical Parameter:型号Model标度范围Scale Range   MPa(bar、psi)度等级Precision GradeYN-40YN-50YN-60YN-100YN-1500~0.1   0.16   0.25   0.4   0.61 1.62.5461016254060100-0.1~0 -0.1~0.06 -0.1~0.15 -0.1~0.3-0.1~0.5 -0.1~0.9 -0.1~1.5 -0.1~2.4  2.5 1.6 1、使用环境温度:Permissible Working Environment:5~55℃(表壳内充甘油)5~55℃(Filled with Glycerol)-25~55℃(表壳内充硅油)-25~55℃(Filled with Silicon oil) 2、抗工作环境振动:V、H、4Anti-Vibration:V,H,4YN系列 耐振压力表/YN Series Aseismatic Pressure Gauge   耐振压力表广泛适用于石油、矿山\液压等工业领域中,它外观精致,质优价廉,能抗工作环境较剧烈的振动和介质压力的脉冲影响,具有较高的测量度和优越的抗疲劳性能。  YN Series Aseismatic Pressure Gauge is widely applied in Petrol,Mine,Hydraulic industries.With delicate appearance and good performance/price ratio,this kind of gauge can stand severe vibration and medium pressure pulse effect from the working environment.It does also have high—class Precision Grade and good performance of an ti-fatigue. 主要技术指标  Main Technical Parameter:型号Model标度范围Scale Range   MPa(bar、psi)度等级Precision GradeYN-40YN-50YN-60YN-100YN-1500~0.1   0.16   0.25   0.4   0.611.62.5461016254060100-0.1~0 -0.1~0.06 -0.1~0.15 -0.1~0.3-0.1~0.5 -0.1~0.9 -0.1~1.5 -0.1~2.4  2.5 1.6 1、使用环境温度:Permissible Working Environment:5~55℃(表壳内充甘油)5~55℃(Filled with Glycerol)-25~55℃(表壳内充硅油)-25~55℃(Filled with Silicon oil) 2、抗工作环境振动:V、H、4Anti-Vibration:V,H,4