THZ-312 台式恒温振荡器 11860 THZ-320 台式恒温振荡器7860
TQZ-312 台式全温振荡器 9860
TQZ-412 台式全温振荡器 9860 LHZ-111 落地式恒温振荡器17600
LQZ-211 落地式全温振荡器 21600一.适用范围: 供医学、生物学、制药、食品、环保等实验室,科研单位作对温度、振荡频率有较高要求的细菌组织培养、发酵、杂交和生物化学反应之用。二.产品特点:1、 集恒温培养与振荡器于一体,一机两用。
2、 微电脑智能控温仪,具有设定、测定温度双数字显示和PID自整功能,控温、可靠。
3、 微电脑振荡频率控制,数字显示设定,测定频率,运转平稳、恒定、可靠。
4、 THZ型箱盖采用全玻璃框架结构,观察工作室内物体,一目了然。
5、 LQZ型为落地式大容量工作室,可放置3000ml大规格三角烧瓶。且具有门盖脚踏开启装置,操作方便。I .applications: It`s applicable to incubate , ferment and crossbreed for the bacteria in medical, biology ,environment laboratory and scientific research institutes.II .Features:1. Gather with the Constant Incubator and Shaking Incubator ,which is used two ways.
2.Intelligent temperature controller is based microprocessor with PID parameters controlling function .Digital display of set and actual temperatures. High temperature controlling accuracy and reliability.
3.Microprocessors` shaking control digital display of set and determines frequency .And it tunning steadily and reliable.
4.The lid of model THZ use whole glass frame so as to observe the goods in the chamber easily.
5.Model LQZ use the standing large capacity working chamber, which is able to place triangle flask. And the door opens by the kick-start, which is easy to use.三、技术参数: 产品名称 Products台式恒温振荡器
Platform Constant Shaking Incubator落地工恒温振荡器
Standing Shaking Incubator落地式全温振荡器
Standing Shaking Incubator with Temperature型号 ModelTQZ312THZ312THZ412THZ320THZ420LHZ-111LQZ-211电源电压 Mains voltage220V. 50Hz旋转频率
Temperature control range0~280rpm摆振幅度
Vibrate Shaking functionφ 28mmφ 30mm摆板尺寸 Size of board370 × 320mm440 × 440mm800 × 516mm标准配置
Standard configure100ml×3个 150ml×3个 250ml×3个150ml×3个 250ml×3个 500ml×3个150ml×4个 250ml×4个 500ml×4个 1000ml×4个容量
Max dimensions150ml×13个或 250×12个或 500ml×9个或 1000×6个150ml×22个或 250×22个或 500ml×12个或 1000×9个150ml×53个或 250×48个或500ml×24个或 1000×18个或2000 ×8个控温范围
Temperature control range5~50℃RT 5~50℃RT 5~50℃控温 Teperature control precision± 0.1 ℃温度波动
Temperature fluctuation± 0.5 ℃定时范围 Timing ramg0~99.9hours消耗功率
Consumption power700w260w450w1500w1800w