Agilent 8591E 频谱分析仪
传 真:0755-29195785
Agilent 8591E
9kHz to 1.8GHz Portable Spectrum Analyzer.
Features; -115dBm to +30dBm Dynamic range; Phase noise -105dBc at 30kHz
offset;1kHz to 3MHz resolution bandwidth; Direct printer and plotter output;
Includes a built in memory card reader. Optional features include AM/FM
demodulation, time gated spectrum analysis, fast time-domain sweep,
50 & 75 ohm Tracking Generator, TV and video tester, GPIB and RS232
Option P1 is a bundle of:
41 GPIB and Parallel dual interface
105 Time-gated spectrum analysis
140 Narrow resolution BW and precision frequency reference
151 Digital demod downconverter/ fast ADC
160 Mobile Comm firmware and DSP for Opt 151 hardware
908 Rackmount kit without handles