电 话:0769-23366355
手 机:13925866262
传 真:0769-23365767
    DL-7801电源插头线突拉试验机 DL7801电源插头线突拉试验机ABRUPT PULL TESTERUL817 本机专门试验插头片与导体之接合强度及导体线之抗突拉强度。试法是将插头片固定于插座内,导线尾端连结冲击锤杆并连结到电线通断指示灯的插座内,设定好试验次数及突拉高度后即可测试突拉,之后吊上砝码进行扭转试验及接地电流试验。本机可做突拉试验、扭转试验、荷重试验及接地电流试验。This tester is specialized in testing abrupt / rotary pull strength between the blades and conductor。Fix the blades to the plug fixture and tie the cord to the grip with stripped conductors outside on which the crocodile clips clamp。Afterward,hang the weight assembly onto the grip hook to perform the above test。It can also execute the current test independently。 试料数量Specimen Volume 6组(sets) 突拉砝码Abrupt pull weight 2.5LB x 6个 扭转砝码Rotation Weight 3LB x 6个 荷重砝码Load Weight 15LB x 6个 负载电流Load Current 0 ~ 50A / 12V连续可调 计数器 Counter 0 ~ 999999次可任意设定 突拉高度Abrupt pull Height 7" / 10"可调 电源 Power AC220V / 50Hz