通利信达RGX 人工气候、光照 培养箱
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本公司供应通利信达RGX供应 人工气候、光照 培养箱质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。

人工气候、光照培养箱(Artificial climate, light incubator 用途概述(Uses Overview): 采用先进的微电脑可编程控制方式,可设置气候箱的多项参数(温度、湿度、光照度等)来模拟自然气候。   本产品适用于植物的生长和组织的培养;种子发芽实验;植物栽培;育苗;微生物的培养和保存、药材、木材、建材的性能测试;昆虫和小动物的饲养,工业产品的质量检查以及其他用途的恒温、恒湿、光照实验。 产品特点(Features):                               1、智能型控温仪,超高亮度数码显示或大屏幕液晶显示,轻触型按键,程序控制温度、湿度、光照强度可调。 2、独立限温报警,超温自动断电。 3、箱体外壳经静电喷涂工艺处理,造型美观大方,防腐耐用。 4、镜面不锈钢工作室(设有照明便于观察)四角呈圆弧易于清洁,搁板支架,可自由装卸。 5、独特的几何腔体洁净设计,保证对样品主动完美的保护。 6、双重们结构,内门为优质钢化玻璃,硅胶条密封,外门采用磁性胶条,启闭方便,密封良好。 7、工作室内温度低于10℃时即停止加温。 8、配有漏电保护装置保证了工作人员和培养物品的安全。 9、传承美学设计理念,展现豪华典雅的仪器造型。 主要技术参数(The main technical parameters

型号 (Model) RGX-150B GZX-150B RGX-250B GZX-250B RGX-350B GZX-350B
电源电压 (Supply voltage) AC220V 50HZ
控温范围 (Temperature range) 室温(At room temperature)+5-50
光照强度 0-6000LX 0-6000LX/0-12000LX/0-20000LX
输入功率 600W 800/900/1000W 1000/1100/1200W 1100/1200/1300W
控湿范围 (Accused of wet range) 45%-90%RH
湿度波动度(Humidity fluctuation degrees) ±8%RH
工作室尺寸 (Studio size)mm  (深×宽×高)(D×W×H 450×500×700 500×500×1000 550×600×1100
外形尺寸(Dimensions)mm       (深×宽×高)(D×W×H) 650×780×1350 700×780×1650 750×880×1750
工作环境温度 5-30

  (注;可选装配置:1、加装三面光照(顶部光照)2、加装四面光照(前门光照)3、加装RS485接口4、加装漏电保护装置)   (note; can supply configuration: 1, adding the three face shine upon (top light) 2, adding the light all around (the front door light) 3, adding the interface RS485 4, adding the leakage protection devices) Uses Overview(用途概述): Adopted advanced MCU programmable control mode, can be installed a number of climate box parameters (temperature, humidity, light, etc.) to simulate the natural climate. This product is suitable for the growth of plants and organization of training; Seed germination experiment; Plant cultivation; Seedlings; The cultivation of microorganisms and save, medicinal materials, wood, and building materials performance test; Insects and small animal breeding, industrial product quality inspection and other USES of constant temperature, humidity, light experiment. Features(产品特点):   1, intelligent control thermometer, ultra bright digital display or LCD display, touch type key, program control temperature, humidity, light intensity can be adjusted. 2, the independent limit temperature alarming, super temperature automatic power outages. 3, the body outer covering the electrostatic spraying process, modelling beautiful and easy, corrosion and durable. 4, mirror stainless steel studio (equipped with lighting for observation) four corners are in arc easy to clean, shelf stents, can free loading and unloading. 5, unique geometrical recessed clean design, to ensure that the sample of the active perfect protection. 6, the dual structure, interior door for high quality of toughened glass, silicon a seal, outside door adopt magnetic strip, open the convenient, good seal. 7, work indoor temperature is below 10 ℃ which stop heating. 8, equipped with leakage protection devices ensure the staff and training items safety.