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                      户外型PLCSplitter I   介绍:  封帽式户外型 PLC splitter  拥有 2~4 个防水耐酸的光缆孔,适合 用于架空式,管道式和直埋式等安装条件。 II   特性:  1)户外型 PLC splitter 具有良好的光学性能,其具有低损耗, 高均匀性,低偏振相关损耗,极宽的工作波长范围及高可 靠性等特点。2) 防水性能好。户外型 PLC splitter 外壳全机械加工并用热缩 管密封 1) The  box   with   good        performance        for    PL splitter encapsulation. The      box      is            molded       in    high-grade engineering plastics with    anti-aging       additive,   which provide     good            temperature  performance,          and      long lifetime.2)  High  mechanical     performance.      The   PLC    splitter    for outdoors  is  rigid  enough  to  withstand  vibration,  impact, bending, and torsion.3)  Good structure design. In the PLC splitter encapsulation, the   cassettes   for      fastening     the                 spliced   fibers                  are designed  in  hinged  type,  and  the  radius  of  fibers  in  it could be no less than 40 mm, so that the installations and maintenances are        easy and no       additional   loss introduced.    III   Performance  1) Performance of the PLC splitter  Parameter               Unit                                      Value1x4              1x8            1x16           1x32Wavelength                         nm                                 1260~1600InsertionTyp.                 dB           7.1              10.4            13.6             16.8loss               Max.                dB           7.4      以上是M型EPon网PLC光缆接头盒的详细信息,如果您对M型EPon网PLC光缆接头盒的价格、厂家、型号、图片有什么疑问,请联系我们获取M型EPon网PLC光缆接头盒的新信息。